
The Most User-Friendly Cloud DMS in the World

Keeping your paperless office documents only on your computer or local server poses the risks of hard drive failure, fire, flood or burglary. And what if you want to access one of those important files away from the office? Meet Folderit. The ultimate online document management system for small businesses and organizations, the most user-friendly DMS in the world! We didn’t bulk it up with features real people never need. So, you can find the documents you need much more easily!

Notifications & Audit Trails

Set and get automatic notifications for changes in documents, folders or sections as often as you choose — at the moment of the change or as a grouped notification once a day or week. Whenever someone adds a file, deletes something, etc. you will know who did what, and when.

Metadata and File Linking

Add metadata such as keywords, signers, notes, date and due date to help organise your documents. You can easily add your own data fields! You can also link files to create relations between documents in different folder structures that belong together. It’s easy in Folderit cloud document management software.

File Versions

You can upload a new version of a document and preserve the existing metadata and all earlier versions of the file — which are always easily recoverable with just one click! A document check-in/check-out feature allows you to lock a document for others while you are editing it on your computer.


Whenever you need a notification at a certain date and time, just set up a reminder! You can add as many reminders as you like and choose a different e-mail address for notification on each of them.



For each of your account roles you receive a dedicated e-mail address. Just send/forward an e-mail to that address and the attached file will end up in your Folderit Inbox. It couldn’t be any simpler, and it’s perfect to store documents on the go!


Roles or Sub-Accounts

Although you can create unlimited hierarchy under your primary account role, you can actually add up to 5 additional roles! So, you can have one for your company or its divisions, others for you personal needs, clubs or whatever to share with the relevant people!



Safe & Secure

All your data is triple backed up and bank-level encrypted in the Folderit cloud document management system where it’s safely stored and is sent via secure SSL layer.


Local Backup too

Your documents are stored in a secure cloud and are perfectly safe, yet if you wish, you can easily download the whole account or individual files/folders to your hard-drive as often as you like for your local backup.



Mobile Friendly DMS

Your documents in the Folderit online document management system are accessible to you from every PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. All over the world.



30 Days Trial

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